
SL105 is a special slat-shaped tile available in a standard height of 105mm and lengths upto 1200mm. These special tiles are designed to be used as louvres or as slats outside windows and glazings, or in any area where screening is required. The slats can also be integrated into pergolas thereby serving as a rain and sun screen.

The SL105 slats can be supplied in lengths upto 1200mm. Hence the horizontal span/ distance between the vertical supporting framework also needs to be maximum 1200mm c/c. To install the slats, hooks are inserted into the slats from behind, and using the hooks, the slats are hung/ mounted on special holding brackets fixed to the supporting vertical framework members at both ends.


Installation Systems for SL105

The SL105 tiles are designed to be installed with two recommended systems of installation – The ’45° System’ and The ’90° System’.

45° System

In this system the Slat profiles are installed horizontally at a 45° System angle like conventional louvres, to create a sunscreen in front of windows or balconies. The angled face allows for greater shading from the sun, while the gaps between Slat profiles can be varied depending on the level of privacy or openness required.

90° System

In this case too, the Slat profiles are fixed horizontally, but with their front faces at a 90° angle perpendicular to the ground.

Completed Works

Take a look at our completed Clayton projects using this product